Monday, November 5, 2007

"I do caricatures"

No, actually, I don't. That's bullshit. I do, however, doodle quite a lot, and every now and then I'll create striking doodly-portraits of people I know. I'm technically proficient at drawing myself and Hunter, and every now and then I'll meet someone who's just incredibly easy to draw. Here's some examples of the doodles I'm talking about.

Self-portraiture is my biggest weakness... especially when it comes to mindless doodling.

That first one is of Laura, if you didn't already guess. If you don't know who she is... too bad. The other two are of Hunter. You probably already know this.

Oh, if only I had the patience to upload each and every stupid doodle i do in my sketchbooks that vaguely resemble actual people. It'd be ever so amusing.

I'll get back to you guys when I think of something worthwhile to post.

Maxburg out.


Jane said...

woah i didn't know you had a blog!! we shall exchange linkage.

Unknown said...

You may as well give up now-- there's nothing worth posting.

Adri said...

Ass-angel wing!!!

Hunter said...

up-up-update buddy.